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 Read the Power of the Pony children's book! 

Get the NEW book young horse lovers will adore! Written by the mother and daughter team, Heidi and Savannah Melocco, Power of the Pony invites youth to explore the world of horses—learn what it's like to have a pony at home, ride with a friend, and look for a place to take lessons or volunteer. If you have a young horse lover in mind, this is the book they will read over and over! Bonus: Make sure to follow along on Facebook and Instagram to see Romeo photos and videos! 

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This photographic book details what it is like to care for and ride a pony. Join in on a young girl's farm as she shares what she loves most about having a pony to ride. Have fun with a pony as you also learn important traits by feeding, grooming, and riding. Your connection to a pony teaches important life skills such as dedication, sharing, caring, and love. Join in on the adventure with a heartfelt rhyming story, and then reread the pages for notes from the young rider and facts about ponies! Written by Heidi and Savannah Melocco, the photos in the book feature their horse property and their amazing pony, Romeo. Heidi has written books for Western Horseman including several of the Legends series. She's also co-author of Goodnight's Guide to Great Trail Riding. Heidi's award-winning photographs have been featured on the covers of Horse Illustrated, Young Rider, The Trail Rider, The Certified Horsemanship Instructor Manual, and Hitch Up & Go, The Expert Guide to Horse Trailers & Safe Trailering. Her writing has earned top prizes with the American Horse Publication association. For this newest book, Heidi and Savannah teamed up to show others what it's like to have a pony at home and to make sure others know that learning to ride a horse is not out of reach.

Power of the Pony, Paperback

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"Heidi and Savannah have truly captured, in lovely words and photos, the power of the pony―as only a pony can open your heart in so many ways. 
Every child should read this and experience 'love that's real.'"
Julie M. Broadway
President of the American Horse Council & American Horse Council Foundation

"The horse industry depends on youth for future sustainability. Written by a mother and her daughter and inspired by their beloved pony, Romeo, this book encourages and educates youth and adults about the responsibilities and joys of having a pony. It's a fun way for a family to experience one of the highlights in a child's life."
Jennifer Denison
Author and long-time Senior Editor at Western Horseman magazine

"Horses and ponies teach youth so much about themselves in regards to patience, empathy, work ethic, perseverance, and they give youth something unique to define themselves by!"
Christy Landwehr
Long-time CEO of the Certified Horsemanship Association and now
Senior Director of Corporate Relations at the National Reining Horse Association


I purchased Power of the Pony for my granddaughter, and she loved it!
Linda Patterson

I thought the illustrations were so informative in showing how to care for your pony. In the storyline, I thought the steps were well written out, and I understood exactly how to make applications. Written with teaching and love so you can care for your beloved friend. Enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to sharing with my grandchildren.

This was a lovely book! The connection between the little girl and her pony is so beautifully described with words as well as bright sunny pictures. The book is very informative as well, along with being heart warming.

Shivangi Sharma

This is a lovely book. It is a real story of a of a girl and her pony paired with great information for all children who love horses, and want to learn to how to take care for them with love, respect and true responsibility. The photos are wonderful! I love the “Hoof notes.”

Sandy L.


This is a great book for every young child who is interested in horses and ponies. Savannah walks you through the way to care for a pony,giving tips on bonding with, bathing, combing, feeding and riding. The pages are strong and interesting with colorful photographs of Savannah and her pony. I need to have a couple extra on hand for birthday or Christmas presents.

Susan Fox

I just love this book. I read it to two granddaughters last night and they loved it and learned from what Savannah taught about her pony. The photography is so calming and sweet. A great book that will be read over and over at this grandmas house. Thank you Heidi and Savannah for taking the time to make this book special and educational.

Janet Hedman

Bought Power of the Pony as a gift for my young nieces. They truly love the book. The information is spot on with beautiful photos. My nieces were inspired by Savannah and her pony. As an equine professional I recommend Power of the Pony for all young readers.

Matt Herrman

Power of the Pony was a joy to read! The photos of Savannah and her pony are beautiful and inviting. Kids will love learning about what it is really like to have a pony of their own. I was obsessed with horses from an early age and would have loved having someone read this book to me. Power of the Pony is the perfect gift for young horse enthusiasts!

Pam Federer

About the Authors

Heidi Nyland Melocco holds a Bachelor's degree in English from Ohio Wesleyan University and a Master's degree in journalism from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University with a concentration in magazine and photo editing. At the latter, she was named Master's Student of the Year. Her stories and photographs are seen regularly in many equine publications, including Horse Illustrated and Young Rider. Melocco is an author of Western Horseman's Understanding Lameness, Western Horseman's Legends 6 and 9, and Goodnight's Guide to Great Horsemanship, and she's a contributing photographer for the Certified Horsemanship Association's Instructor Manual, Hitch Up & Go, The Revolution in Horsemanship by Rick Lamb and Robert Miller, DVM; and Breed for Success by Rene Riley and Honi Roberts.


Melocco's photos have won awards from the Equine Photographer's Network and an AIM Award. Melocco holds first-prize awards from American Horse Publications (AHP) for training stories and equine photography. She has had more than 35 magazine cover photos. Melocco continues to write about and photograph horses and also works in video broadcasting. She directed and produced a popular RFD-TV show for more than 10 years. Melocco stays up to speed with social media and has grown accounts to reach and engage with hundreds of thousands of fans. She served on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Horse Council and has presented social media seminars at the PATHi and CHA International Conferences.

She started riding Ponies of the Americas at age five at Smiley R Ranch in Hilliard, Ohio, with Janet Hedman and the W. E. Richardson family. In college, she was president and later assistant coach of the Ohio Wesleyan University Equestrian Team, coached by world-champion-earning trainer Terry Myers. Keeping active as a rider and riding instructor, Melocco began studying Brain Gym―an international program based on whole-brain and active learning. As a 4-H advisor, she used the simple movements to help horseback riding students relax and achieve their goals in the saddle. Melocco became a registered instructor with Path International, helping to combine horse knowledge and therapeutic experience with horsemanship training. Melocco has presented demos at Equine Affaire and at the Path International and National Youth Horse Council Annual Conferences. She taught at the Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center in Longmont, CO. Melocco resides on her small-acreage horse property with her husband, Jared; daughter Savannah; AQHA gelding, Golden H Mister T; pony, Romeo; dogs Henry and Rosie, and three orange barn kitties known as the "Porch Patrol."

Savannah Melocco lives on a farm in Mead, CO, with two dogs, three cats, one horse, and one very special pony. She loves to read, write, and play with her dogs. Some of her other hobbies include dancing and showing dogs in 4H..

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Heidi Nyland Melocco

The Whole Picture, LLC

Mead, Colorado

Tel:  303-903-1349

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