Social Media and Ad Management
By phone, in person or via screen sharing...
We can help you revitalize your social media. With over 10 years of social media management, the Whole Picture team has studied the ins and outs of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and more. Heidi has presented social media training sessions at the PATHi and CHA international conferences—teaching the equine community how to make the most of the time and money spent on social media. We know the tips and tricks to get your posts seen and help you have an engaging online community. We can help you make sure that your profiles are set to attract the clients and customers you want. Whether you want tips to know how to manage your own accounts or you want more in-depth help, here's the one-on-one help you have been craving! You choose how much help you need!
$65 per hour phone consult fee payable by Paypal or Venmo.
Account Management
Let us take the reins...
With monthly plans and creative sessions, we can help you keep your social media updated and interactive. We can help you create photos and video or work with content you have to make sure your brand shines online. We can help with all social media platforms—scheduling posts, interacting with your contacts, creating advertising and more! We have our own press release email list and can help to write PR and articles to get your brand attention. If you aren't sure where you should be, we can help make sure that you are seen where it counts while keeping your budget in mind.
We'll help you set up a monthly budget then we'll do the rest!
Heidi Nyland Melocco
The Whole Picture, LLC
Mead, Colorado
Tel: 303-903-1349